Job Board
Your one-stop career resource center to prepare for your next opportunity.
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To The Job Bank
To place a job bank ad with the FCBA, please click the link below to purchase and then email the text of the ad to Listings and payment received by the 25th of each month will appear in the next month’s newsletter and on the website. Ads should not exceed 500 words. (No headhunters please).

Listing with resumes sent directly to the employer or employer’s portal per month – $100.00
Listing with resumes sent to the FCBA, for which a Blind Box # assigned per month – $125.00
Government employer listing per month – $25.00
Payment must be received in advance. Listings and payment received by the 25th day of each month will appear in the next month’s newsletter. If you want your listing to appear in more than one issue, you may pay in advance to cover the total fee.

An engaged and energetic group who support those just coming into our field, cultivate our next great leaders, and form the strong personal connections that power our work as we go forward.