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Emerging Issues in Technology & Judicial Committees Lunch and Learn

Topic: SCOTUS Content Moderation/Section 230 Cases

Speakers: Professor Arupam Chander, the Scott K. Ginsburg Professor of Law and Technology at Georgetown Law; Additional SpeakersTBD

Description: The U.S. Supreme Court is hearing cases this term that could disrupt how online platforms moderate content and thus could affect how people interact with the internet.  In Gonzalez v. Google and Twitter v. Taamneh, the Court will decide whether platforms should be held liable for hosting and recommending terrorist content, and it also seems likely to decide to hear cases on the constitutionality of state laws dictating certain content moderation practices.  These are matters of first impression for the Court and it seems clear that any changes in law will have implications for companies throughout the internet ecosystem that handle user content.  On February 24, the FCBA’s Emerging Issues in Tech and Judicial Practice Committees will host a brownbag lunch and learn to discuss these cases.

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